
january 20

Upon NATO bombing, air space of FR Yugoslavia had been opened for international civil air traffic for overflights, as well as for takes-off and landings from other airports, except in the portion of the airspace above Kosovo and Metohija, which is under Commander KFOR jurisdiction. Federal Air Traffic Control Agency (FATCA) provides air traffic control and other services in air navigation in FR Yugoslavia air space, which is opened for the traffic. The traffic and services are provided along air traffic networks and routes connecting FR Yugoslavia with all neighbouring countries, as well as above international waters of south Adriatic Sea. FATCA also provides services in the portion of BIH upper airspace, as well as in the portion of the route stretching across to north segment of the Republic of Croatia towards Republic of Serbia border. FATCA provides its services using equipment and systems, which had been partially saved and renewed after war activities. Their possibilities are limited but enough for providing services in given circumstances and traffic volume.

december 29

Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Control Agency, SMATSA Llc has been established. FATCA finishes its existence. SMATSA Llc continues to provide services in air traffic in the same air space as FATCA provided and in the meantime the projects for upgrade of the main flight data processing system and radar systems have been initiated.


In Air Traffic Control Centre Beograd operation, as well as in Approach Control Beograd and Approach Control Podgorica, ASUE TrackView is implemented – flight data processing system.


Four new radar systems have been put into operation: Murtenica, Koviona, Koševac and Srpska Gora.


R. Serbia and Montenegro have been integrated into the new multilateral system of collecting route charges, so that SMATSA becomes part of unique European system of Central Route Charges Office - CRCO.


SMATSA announces public procurement for overall upgrade of its infrastructure, equipment and systems used for provision of the services in air navigation – FAMUS project.


Contracts for realization of FAMUS project with THALES company have been concluded as well as with contractors for construction of new Air Traffic Control Centre at Belgrade Airport.


New Tower at Batajnica Airport has been put into operation.


JAT Vršac has been taken over.


Republic of Serbia Civil Aviation Directorate certified SMATSA for provision of air navigation services – Certificate of SMATSA compliance with Single European Sky regulatory requirements.


New Air Traffic Control Centre at Belgrade Airport has been put into operation – ATCC Beograd. New systems and devices for displaying and processing flight data, for voice communication, testing, recording and reproduction are also in operation and mostly other systems comprising FAMUS project.


New Tower at Kraljevo Airport has been put into operation.


Following conclusion of the Air Transport Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the State of Montenegro and signing of Contract on Confirmation of Continuity of Air Navigation Service Provision within the Airspace under Serbia and Montenegro Jurisdiction, confirms the continuity of SMATSA. SMATSA has changed its name into Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services, SMATSA llc, Belgrade.


In compliance with Implementing Agreement between NATO and Republic of Hungary and with approval of state authorities of Republic of Serbia, HungaroControl, Hungarian provider started to provide services in FIR Beograd, in the air space above Kosovo and Metohija, from flight level 205.


Secondary Surveillance Radar has been put into operation at Srpska Gora site.


A new investment cycle has been started and SUSAM upgrade program initiated.


A new reconstructed tower at Tivat Airport has been put into operation.


Operational usage of SEAFRA – Southeast Axis Free Route Airspace, in the air space above the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro, has started.


Operational usage of FASOS – backup flight data processing system has started in ATCC Beograd, ADC Beograd and TMC Podgorica.


The Contract with EBRD Bank has been concluded for financing portion of SUSAM program referring equipment and systems from CNS and ATM field.


Operational usage of SECSIFRA – Southeast Common Sky Initiative Free Route Airspace in southeast Europe has started. SEAFRA initiative (R. Croatia, BiH, R. Serbia and Montenegro) and SEENFRA (Austria and Slovenia) have been integrated into one common initiative.


The Contract with EIB Bank has been concluded for financing portion of SUSAM program referring to infrastructure segment – construction, telecommunication and energetics domain.


Hardware and software upgrade of the flight data processing system has been conducted. The system has been upgraded, enlarged, so that it is used, apart from ATCC Beograd, ADC Beograd and TMC Podgorica, also at ADC Batajnica, Niš, Kraljevo and Tivat.


Beginning of the works on construction of the new tower and annex to ATCC at Belgrade Airport.