In accordance with the requirements of the Single European Sky (SES), implementation of new technologies is one of SMATSA’s basic objectives, thus requiring continuous investment in the equipment, systems and infrastructure.

Performance in line with SES

In accordance with the requirements of the Single European Sky (SES), implementation of new technologies is one of SMATSA’s basic objectives, thus requiring continuous investment in the equipment, systems and infrastructure.

In order to ensure continuing compliance with European regulations, adequate capacity and safety levels in the future period as well as optimization of the air traffic flow and capacity management, SMATSA llc is in the course of implementing Program of modernization SUSAN (SMATSA Upgrade of System for Air Navigation). Previous SMATSA’s modernization program – FAMUS was completed in 2012.


SUSAN modernization program

SUSAN modernization program has been initiated in 2015, based on indicated and recognized needs to build new facilities and modernize SMATSA equipment and systems that are currently approaching the end of their design life, in order to improve air traffic safety and services quality, to meet customers’ requests and create better working environment and working conditions for employees. SUSAN modernization program includes upgrade of air traffic management system, procurement and implementation of new CNS systems along with the modernization of certain existing CNS systems, as well as related civil works.

SUSAN modernization program is part of the comprehensive SES program which aims to improve integration, safety, capacity and efficiency including interoperability with neighboring systems. SUSAN implementation projects will also allow SMATSA llc to remain compliant with the technological requirements related to the implementation of Direct Routings and Free Route Airspace (FRA) projects under the SESAR Deployment Program, a Europe-wide program to coordinate the upgrading of Europe’s air traffic management infrastructure. The FRA concept is implemented with the aim to reduce the airspace fragmentation and give users an opportunity to plan routes flexibly. SUSAN modernization program meets goals for the promotion of shorter routes and emissions savings, meeting future safety, capacity and efficiency needs at a European level.

The projects within SUSAN modernization program that are anticipated to be implemented over the period 2016 – 2024, are:

  • ATM Data Processing System upgrades (software and hardware upgrades of FAMUS TopSky-ATC System in several phases), along with the implementation of Fallback ATM system – FASOS, upgrade of ARTAS System, implementation of SDDS System, new Surveillance Front-End Processor, upgrades of AFTN/AMHS and the provision of VDL Mode 2 service by two VDL service providers with VDL monitoring service;
  • Implementation of voice and data services transfer for ATC over IP protocol that includes SMATSA IP communication network and IP microwave radio link network;
  • Implementation of IP VCS for ATCC Beograd and Pre-OJT simulator;
  • Construction of Beograd ATCC Annex with Beograd ATC Tower and implementation of CCTV system for the new Beograd ATC tower;
  • Procurement and implementation of Mode S MSSR + PSR radar systems at Besna Kobila and Belgrade sites (Serbia), and MSSR Mode S radar at Vrsuta site (Montenegro);
  • Modernization of NAVAIDS systems including procurement and implementation of ILS/DME, DVOR, NDB and VDF equipment;
  • Upgrade of Telecommunication and Power Supply Infrastructure;
  • VHF/UHF radio network upgrade;
  • Construction of new Niš ATC Tower with C-ATCC Beograd.  

SUSAN modernization program brings several upgrades to telecommunication systems, largest and most important of them being implementation of VoIP for operational voice communication. New SMATSA IP communication network is based on IP protocol and brings mesh connectivity and redundancy levels that couldn’t be achieved within existing TDM based networks. VoIP implementation is performed in accordance with EUROCAE ED-137 standard. Additionally, extension of existing VHF/UHF radio network is planned, by introducing three new radio centers, two in Serbia and one in Montenegro. This will allow optimization of VHF/UHF radio network and additionally increase its resiliency to major outages.

The ongoing SUSAN modernization program encompasses procurement and installation of radar systems at three new sites (Besna Kobila mountain, Belgrade airport and Vrsuta mountain). All secondary radars to be implemented will be Mode S capable and configured to work in Enhanced Mode S.

There are three projects which aim to modernize NAVAIDS systems which are part of the ongoing multi-year SUSAN modernization program:

  • Project of procurement and installation ILS/DME and DVOR equipment which will be completed in 2020. The project scope is implementation new ILS/DME system at Niš airport, new DME for upgrading ILS for RWY 12 at Belgrade airport into ILS/DME system, replacement of ILS at Batajnica airport with ILS/DME system and replacement of CVORs with DVORs at airports Podgorica, Kraljevo and Niš.
  • VDF systems modernization project will be finished in 2020. The project scope is replacement of VDF systems at airports Niš, Batajnica and Kraljevo.
  • NDB modernization and rationalization project is planned to be completed in 2023. The project scope is to replace most of existing NDBs in Serbia and Montenegro and implement one new NDB site in Serbia.