Primary objective of the air traffic management provided by SMATSA llc is the provision of air traffic services in the area of its jurisdiction and at controlled aerodromes in a safe, orderly and expeditious manner.

The integration of the entire Air Traffic Management System into the incessantly developing European ATM system represents a great challenge that SMATSA llc is facing with great success. Conditioned by the volume and the expected traffic requirements, within the provision of high quality services to civil and military aircraft, SMATSA llc contributes to the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) in cooperation with the regional and Pan-European business and institutional partners.

Air Traffic Management in SMATSA llc relies on the technology which meets the accepted standards in the aviation industry, and involves the implementation of the most modern systems in order to achieve optimum airspace capacity and flying efficiency enhancement in the area of its jurisdiction. SMATSA llc directs particular attention to airspace design and route network development with the aim of promoting the Air Traffic Service (ATS), and constantly improving the Airspace Management (ASM) process and the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) process.

The implementation of the improved Airspace Management process leads to optimal route planning, better exploitation of the available airspace, efficiency improvement, and to reduction of the delay rate. Activities carried out in relation to the implementation of P-RNAV procedures shall enable the aircraft with suitable equipment to use that option and consequently optimize the approach and take-off paths. Furthermore, a more precise aircraft flight path shall be provided, and therefore the terminal area capacity enhancement shall be ensured.

SMATSA llc is responsible for the provision of Air Traffic Service (Air Traffic Control service – ATC, Flight Information Service – FIS and Alerting Service – ALR) in airspace which includes the airspace of the Republic of Serbia, the airspace of Montenegro and a part of the airspace over the Adriatic Sea.

SMATSA llc`s area of responsibility comprises eight aerodromes:

  • Nikola Tesla Airport (Belgrade),
  • Podgorica Airport (Podgorica),
  • Tivat Airport (Tivat),
  • Konstantin Veliki Airport (Niš),
  • Vršac Airport (Vršac),
  • Ponikve Airport (Užice),
  • Lađevci Airport (Kraljevo),
  • Batajnica Airport (Belgrade)

Establishment of a single Air Traffic Control Center in 2011 enabled merging of approach and area control services, which has resulted in unified Airspace Management system, development of technology and work procedures, more efficient use of human resources and consequently in increased capacity of the airspace. Within the single Air Traffic Control Center adequate operational and technical and technological conditions exist for establishment of FIC Beograd.

Civil – Military Coordination

Air Traffic Management comprises the jobs of airspace control, protection and allocation – civil-military coordination at pre-tactical and tactical levels. These jobs involve:

  • Collecting and analyzing of requests for the use of airspace by civil and military users,
  • Resolving potentially conflicting requests,
  • Deciding on efficient use of airspace at pre-tactical and tactical ASM levels,
  • Issuing airspace allocation decision by submitting request for the issue of NOTAM (“NOTAM PROPOSAL“),
  • Preparation and keeping of statistics on the use of TSA.