PBN Transition plan for Montenegro

Dear User,

According to the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1048 (transposed in Montenegro regulatory framework as “Pravilnik o korišćenju vazdušnog prostora i operativnih procedura u vezi sa navigacijom zasnovanom na navigacionim performansama (PBN), Sl. l. CG br. 1/2020), SMATSA is developing the PBN transition plan for the Montenegrin part of the Belgrade FIR.

The main purpose of the PBN Transition plan document is to outline and present the major steps for transition from the operations based on conventional navigation aids to PBN operations (mainly based on GNSS navigation) before the 2030.

PBN Transition plan contains the high level details regarding the current and planned operational environment as well as proposed transitional measures with their timeframe – by the 2030, the most of the conventional procedures based on ground navaids should be withdrawn and the ground infrastructure rationalized. Only a minimal network of conventional navaids, such as VOR, DME and ILS will remain to provide a fallback in case of a GNSS outage.

It is a regulatory requirement for the ANSP (SMATSA llc) to consult the stakeholders before requesting the approval of the PBN Transition plan from the National Authorities. This document has already passed one round of consultations with Eurocontrol Network Manager, on the NETOPS/RNDSG Special Meeting, held on 17 June 2020.

The next update of PBN transition plan the can be expected by the end of 2023 to come into effect on 25 January 2024.

We would appreciate to receive all your suggestions and comments by e-mail at fpd@smatsa.rs.

With kind regards,