
In an effort to improve the quality of air navigation services with the trend of increasing air traffic, SMATSA llc pays significant attention to increasing safety, efficiency and economy, while constantly monitoring and meeting the requirements of its customers.

The priority of SMATSA llc is to eliminate or reduce their impact on the safety of services, the possibility of personal injury, damage to equipment or negative impact on the environment through the management of identified hazards and risks.

Safety is a strategic commitment and corporate value of SMATSA llc and in that sense SMATSA llc strives to provide and provide a safe environment to its employees and service users.

The business strategy of SMATSA llc defines clear, relevant and achievable business goals, harmonised at the level of organisational units and management structure.

SMATSA llc ensures the safety and quality of its services by applying new technologies, improving procedures and processes and with constant professional training and development of all employees.

SMATSA llc carries out all its activities in accordance with the laws and bylaws of the Republic of Serbia and the state of Montenegro, as well as with the standards, requirements and recommendations of the international organisations ICAO, EUROCONTROL, EASA and CANSO.

In order to achieve a high level of air traffic safety, SMATSA llc is determined to:

  • give safety the highest possible priority;
  • provide the necessary conditions and means, as well as adequate human and financial resources for the smooth and constant improvement of safety, efficiency and economy;
  • clearly define the role, tasks and responsibilities of all employees in terms of safety performance;
  • through the established risk management process, identify hazards in order to eliminate or reduce the consequences of the risk to an acceptable level;
  • encourage the exchange of safety information and experiences with all stakeholders.

In order to improve the quality and safety of the services it provides, SMATSA llc has developed a unique “Just Culture”, creating an environment in which employees are encouraged and motivated to submit all information that has or may have an impact on safety, without fear of be treated unfairly, intimidated or blamed, but which also clearly defines the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour / actions.

SMATSA llc dedicates the highest possible priority to the improvement of air traffic safety, above and beyond all influences and pressures, whether they are social, political, and economic or any other nature, striving to establish an adequate balance between safety, efficiency, capacity and service provision costs.