Promotion of the book “Sky Heroines of the World” in ATCC, in Belgrade

From myth to cosmos.

17 May 2018

Promotion of the book “Sky Heroines of the World” in ATCC, in Belgrade

On 16th May, 2018, the promotion of the book “Sky Heroines of the World” took place in Air Traffic Control Centre building.

“I saw this encyclopaedia in the bookshop window at the end of last year and I liked it at the first glance. Few months later I met the book’s author in Aeronautical Union of Serbia (AUS) and only a couple of months after this event I am the host of this book’s promotion at our premises in Air Traffic Control Centre” – Mr Predrag Jovanović, CEO of Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA LLC, first addressed to the present audience.

“This is a book that you can read all the time since I love written aviation word. It is remarkable book. Participation of the women in the aviation has been considered from various aspects. This is ideal reading for all those who love aviation, men and women as well” – Mr Jovanović added.

Mr Dragan Katanić, General and ex Commander of Air Force and Air Defence (AF&AD), who wrote the first review of the book in 2007, said few words too – “The author of the book got the medal from Mr Putin, the President, in the Christ The Savor Cathedral in Moscow, so it is an additional proof of its quality. For Serbia it is also proof that we have people who are experts in aviation field. This is twentieth book’s promotion and it has been presented in whole Europe. We must not forget the women in aviation especially those who contributed a lot in war actions in the whole world.”

Olgica Lazić, who is the President of Women’s Aeronautical Association of Serbia, said that first women in aviation were described in the book as well.

“I am particularly pleased that two women from Air Traffic Control found their place in this book but the author did not forget about all women doctors, engineers and constructors who also contributed to aviation development in the world”.

“I have been collecting materials for more than 10 years with a lot of difficulty, about women who are cosmonauts, pilots, about every woman who was and who is part of the aviation anywhere in the world. However, this book is not about feminism, it represents union of the women and men depicted through the stories of the men who were teaching women to fly. That is how the women’s role in aviation became very important, even of the world’s importance, so this is the reason why this encyclopaedia is planetary encyclopaedia. Aircraft are flying using kerosene and when they are in function but it has nothing to do with skin colour, gender, religion or nationality” – the author emphasized for Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA LLC portal.

“Sky Heroines of the World” was first published in Russian language and shortly afterwards in Serbian language. The achieved success and importance can be measured at world’s level.

“This book has already been accepted in Aviation Academies in Russia and it became part of their curriculum. It has been written as monography and encyclopaedia. I described all airports and all aircraft that women used. It means that I wrote about 2,000 women, illustrating their work with 1,700 photographs. From myth to cosmos the women conquered their place in aviation with men’s full support.” – added Professor Tonković, honourable member of the Aeronautical Union of Serbia.