SMATSA LLC continues with modernization process

With implementation of the Fallback ATM system the continuity of air navigation services provision by SMATSA llc is raised to an even higher level

01 August 2018

SMATSA LLC continues with modernization process

From 30th June, 2018 SMATSA llc increases safety level in providing air traffic services by operational use of the backup “Fallback ATM” system (2nd phase), the first of its kind in Europe.

The Fallback ATM system is used in case of inability to provide services from the main ATM system, which enables the continuity of providing air traffic services with minimal capacity reduction and without the need for airspace closure.

The main role of the Fallback ATM system is to allow air traffic controllers an automatic support in the event of a sudden unexpected failure, in cases of planned switch-off or due to unavailability of the main ATM system over a longer period of time. The system is designed by different vendor so that the circumstances which could cause the main system error do not affect the Fallback ATM system.

Flight data of related aircraft (flight plans, approved altitudes and routes) are transferred from the main to the Fallback ATM system in real time, so that the controllers continue with uninterrupted services provision. Integration of these data with radar data are processed independently, apart from the main system. The features and tools of the Fallback ATM system are designed so to be identical or very similar to the main system. The specificity of the system is that the controllers from the same position and using the same input/output devices (keyboard, radar display) instantly access the Fallback ATM system. This feature minimizes stress and risk for controller mistakes as well as the need for long-term training.

The Fallback ATM system is successfully implemented in the ACC Belgrade area of responsibility, as well as in TMA Belgrade and TMA Podgorica.