TopSky-ATC system upgrades

07 March 2022


COOPANS harmonization team representatives, from five of the six ANSPs, members of COOPANS Alliance Austro Control, Croatia Control, Naviair, Irish Aviation Authority and NAV Portugal, visited SMATSA Llc in order to exchange information related to the technical monitoring and control function of the SMATSA TopSky-ATC system (RCMS system). COOPANS is currently under planning activities to improve TopSky-ATC system, which includes the modernization of the monitoring and control function with the RCMS. Information regarding SMATSA experience in the last three years, since the system is in operational use, have been exchanged.

In addition, information about future plans for TopSky-ATC system upgrades, similarities and differences in ATM system domain task allocation in organizational structure are exchanged in a very constructive atmosphere.