CPDLC - Controller Pilot Data Link Communications
Starting February 22nd 2024, SMATSA joined family of European ANSP’s using CPDLC - Controller Pilot Data Link Communications, as an additional mean of communication between ATCOS and the crews. CPDLC is used in Beograd ATCC AoR from FL205-FL660. CPDLC means the exchange of predifined messages between pilots and the controllers. This has no impact on fact that voice communication is primary mean of communication.
Using CPDLC in everyday operations, will improve communication and ’’save’’ the opertional frequency leaving, allways, enough time for the urgent and time critical information exchange.
The fact that the messsages exchanged are predefined, lowers the possibility of missunderstaning and errors in communication, esspecialy when read back and hear back error situation that can occur in radiotelehony.
In Beograd ATCC AoR following services are available Data Link Initiation Capability (DLIC), ATC Communications Management Service (ACM), ATC Clearances Service (ACL) и ATC Microphone Check Service (AMC), and are used without limitation.
This way the safety of provision of ATS in Beograd ATCC is improved, as the primary goal of all ANSPs, but at the same time preparing the scene for the capacity improvement with no impact on safety of services.