Belgian ANSPs skeyes visiting SMATSA

Direktor SMATSA, Predrag Jovanović sa saradnicima ugostio je CEO belgijskog ANSP, skeyes, gospodina Johan Decuyper i COO gospođu Peggy Devestel.

03 September 2024

Belgian ANSPs skeyes visiting SMATSA

On September the 2nd 20204 Mr. Predrag Jovanovic, SMATSA CEO with associates hosted delegation of Belgian ANSPs skeyes, Mr. Johan Decuyper, CEO and Ms. Peggy Devestel, COO. One day meeting held in Belgrade ATCC premises was beneficial and opportunity to exchange information about all aspects of service provision in both ANSPs. During the day our respectable guests had the opportunity to visit Beograd ATCC Ops room, new Belgrade Tower Ops room, ATCC annex building with pre-OJT simulator and test room and ANS Personnel Training Center. This two ANSPs representatives meeting was seen as opportunity to strength mutual cooperation and experience exchange in the field of ATM.