New Class Enrolment at SAA, Vrsac

Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA LLC SMATSA Aviation Academy Announce NEW CLASS ENROLMENT.
Annex to Air Traffic Control Centre Beograd Building with Beograd TWR

Today, in the building of the Republic of Serbia Government, the Contract on Construction of SMATSA Annex to Air Traffic Control Centre Building in Belgrade together with modern, 75 metres high TWR building was signed.
SMATSA CEO, Mr. Predrag Jovanović at Gate One platform

Successful meeting of ATCs CEOs, gathered in GATE ONE platform, resulted in cooperation upgrade of leading, regional ANSPs.
Airport Nis is getting new tower

The construction of the new tower is expected in 2021.
Successful QMS and EMS Recertification

Successful Quality Management System and Environmental Management System Recertification.

Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA Llc’ delegation participated at 53rd International Paris Air Show, which took place at Le Bourget Airport, near Paris.
New Class Enrolment at SAA, Vršac

Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services SMATSA SMATSA Aviation Academy Announces OPEN COMPETITION for new class enrolment of the students at ATP (A) INTEGRATED training course for obtaining Commercial Pilot Licence with MEP and IR/ME ratings, including MCC course.

SMATSA completed first phase of ATM system modernisation and upgrade which is part of SUSAN programme of modernisation.
55th АТCЕUC in Belgrade

SМАТSА, the Host of Air Traffic Controllers European Unions’ Committee.