SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre is the leading provider for ANS personnel training in South Eastern Europe. For more than 50 years, starting from 1964, ATCOs (Air Traffic Control Officers) as well as aviation personnel of other profiles and institutions have been trained in accordance with the certified, internationally recognised programmes. More than 2,600 ATCOs have obtained their first licences at this institution with the high results achieved in training completion. In accordance with the requirements of trainees, it is possible to conduct courses at various levels: basic training, rating training and rating endorsement training, refresher training or licence endorsement training. The team of SMATSA LLC ANS Training Centre highly qualified instructors will assist new trainees to acquire a licence or a new licence endorsement.
The ANS Personnel Training Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment used in training of ATCOs, ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) and AMP (Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel), which complies with the highest international aviation standards. The ANS Personnel Training Center is located at Nikola Tesla Airport, Belgrade, and its structure covers more than 3,000 m², including all other accompanying facilities.

Due to the continuous increase in air traffic, there is a need for new ATCOs around the world, countries in the region and Serbia. The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Association, IFATCA, believes that there is a global lack of ATCOs of around 10% and that the transition of future ATM systems (such as SESAR and NEXTGEN) will require an additional number of ATCOs of around 15%, in the long run. Acquisition of appropriate ATCO licences/ratings/endorsements enables employment opportunities anywhere in the world. SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre is certified by the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia to conduct trainings according to plans and programmes that are in compliance with the EU and ICAO regulations and meet the highest quality standards ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2015.
In order to conduct successful trainings, theoretical or practical, the ANS Personnel Training Center has the latest generation of simulators for different purposes:
- Two tower simulators MICRO NAV 2D / 3D (2015/2017);
- Radar simulator MICRO NAV (2016); and
- PTT-Part Task Trainer Simulator;
In addition, the Training Center has at its disposal the following teaching facilities:
- Audio-visual devices (monitors, digital panels and LCD projectors)
- Networked PCs and Notebook computers with internet connection;
- Telephone network system; and
- Photocopy and scanning machines;
The ANS Personnel Training Center also has:
- Five classrooms/cabinets; and
- Special library.

In order to meet the high demands of the profession in terms of safety and efficiency, the training of future aviation professionals must be entrusted to experienced experts. Our team of instructors with the most up-to-date equipment is just one of the factors enabling all trainees to acquire the required levels of knowledge and skills. By proven methods, trainees will be guided from the initial to the advanced level. The instructors will apply all the latest techniques for mastering of demanding training programs, use their positive experiences and combine team or individual work with the trainees. By practicing on modern facilities and simulators, future ATCOs will be able to face real-time challenges with rising air traffic.

Radar Simulator Training and 2D/3D TWR Simulators Training

Room with pseudo-pilot positions and Classroom
The complete ATCO training meets the international standards set by ICAO, EU/EASA, as well as the requirements set by the national aviation authority. Trainings, which can be tailored to the requirements of users, include all modules of ATCO training. For the hereto purpose, the latest generation simulators are used.
The job of an ATC is demanding and he/she must show a high level of theoretical knowledge, skill and determination. For these reasons, a future trainee in the ANS Personnel Training Centre to acquire the ATCO licence/endorsement must undergo a rigorous selection process.
The types of ATCO training that are conducted in the ANS Personnel Training Centre are as following:
- Initial Training, consisting of:
- ”Basic Training”: theoretical and practical training designed to provide basic knowledge and practical skills relating to basic operational procedures;
- “Rating Training”: theoretical and practical training designed to provide knowledge and practical skills relating to a specific rating or additional rating;
- Continuation Training, designed to maintain the validity of the licence, consisting of:
- Refresher Training.
Additionally to the above mentioned types of training, the ANS Personnel Training Centre can conduct ATCO Licence Endorsement Trainings:
- OJT (On the Job Training) Instructor Training, for the issuance, revalidation or renewal of the special authorisation of the OJT Instructor or STD (Synthetic Training Device) Instructor Training for the issuance, revalidation or renewal of the special authorisation of the STD Instructor;
- Assessor Training (ASSE), for the issuance, revalidation or renewal of the special authorisation of the Assessor.
Within the scope of ATCO Basic Training, the trainees are instructed in nine subjects plus two English language courses (Aviation English and General English).

ATCO Training: En-route – mulutiple sectors and 2D/3D TWR Simulator traininig: Air traffic simulation by night

SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre has been training ANS Personnel for more than 50 years. The training of the first class of Air Traffic Controller Officers was conducted in 1964/1965.

The former AIL Radar Simulator Training and ACC On-the job Training
By the early 1990s, SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre had been the only training centre of a kind operating within former Yugoslavia.
A total number of 48 national and 5 international classes of Air Traffic Controller Officers completed their training at the Centre. International students came from Libya, Palestine, FYROM, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia, and the Republic of Sprska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Having trained that many Air Traffic Controller Officers, SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre gained such references and earned enviable reputation far beyond national borders. In recent years, the commercial- based training courses for three classes of Air Traffic Controller Officers were conducted at SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre as well.
The Centre also has multiple decades of experience in training of ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel), AMP (Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel), AIS (Aeronautical Information Services) Personnel and Safety and Quality Management Staff, as well as Flight Inspection Services Personnel.
Simultaneously, SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre was the place where a series of trainings, lectures and workshops were organized and conducted for the Serbian Armed Forces Officers and representatives of Civil Aviation Authorities of the Republic of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A number of our ANS Personnel, most notably Air Traffic Controller Officers who had completed their training at the Centre, were employed or are still working for the most prestigious international civil aviation organizations such as: ICAO, IATA, ECAC, EUROCONTROL, CANSO, IANS, ITU. In addition to this, a considerable number of our Air Traffic Controller Officers work worldwide for Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSP), such as: SkyGuide (Switzerland) DCAC (France), DFS (Germany), MUAC Maastricht, NAV CANADA (Canada) PACA ( Oman), GCAA (UAE), QCAA (Qatar), etc.
Nowadays, it would be impossible to imagine an Air Traffic Controller working without reliance on modern systems and sophisticated devices which ensure the safety of air traffic operations. Training courses for both engineers and technicians being in charge of maintenance, installation, monitoring and development of CNS/ATM systems and equipment, are specially designed and conducted at SMATSA LLC ANS Personnel Training Centre.
ATSEP training courses conducted at the Centre intend to provide trainees with basic aviation knowledge, and prepare them for obtaining licenses and ratings which are fully in accordance with international and national regulations and are mandatory for ANS Personnel.

The following training courses for ATSEP are conducted at our ANS Personnel Training Centre:
- Basic training for ATSEP licensing purposes;
- Training for obtaining and revalidation of Rating for particular area of expertise (Specialized training);
- Training for Instructor Rating.

Programmes and Plans for both basic and refresher Aviation English training courses are based on the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements (LRPs), and are fully in accordance with the recommendations given in ICAO Doc 9835 and ICAO Cir 323.
Continuous improvement of the level of proficiency in English which, as the official language used in aviation communications directly impacts the safety, quality and efficiency of air navigation services provided, is of great importance for ATCOs. In addition to the assessment of ATCOs’ level of proficiency in English by means of TEA (Test of English for Aviation), various assessments of general English language proficiency for other ANS Personnel are conducted at the Centre as well.

Language lab and Students of English language training
Training courses for AMP have been designed to primarily cover the knowledge related to monitoring of meteorological conditions and the exchange of data which affect flight operations and general aviation.
Depending on the level of expertise, AMP are trained for:
Aerodrome Meteorological Technicians; Aviation Forecasters. The following training courses for AMP are conducted at the Centre:
- Initial Training – training course for obtaining certificate of competence for Aerodrome Meteorological Technicians and/or Aerodrome Forecasters;
- Additional Training – training course for obtaining Area Forecaster License;
- Special Training – training course for Instructor and Assessor Rating.
The Library operating within ANS Personnel Training Centre was officially registered in 2001 at both the Special Register of Libraries of the city of Belgrade, and the register of the National Library of Serbia as a special library, not available to general public.
With its collection of national and international aviation editions, counting more than 3,700 monographs, its primary task is to provide its users with not only the aeronautical publications, but also the publications of updated meta-information from ICAO, EASA, Eurocontrol, and other relevant websites. Given the particular concept and the notion of “efficiency” as one of the top priorities in aviation industry, this Library is not as much about the publication fund, as it is about keeping the publications up to date.
Library content is available to all employees in SMATSA LLC, as well as to the participants of various training courses at the Centre. Users also have access to the reading room where they can borrow, read, copy and scan books, scripts and magazines. Part of the content is also available in the form of an electronic catalog, in UNIMARC (Universal Machine-Readable Cataloging) standard.

In addition to its core business activities related to training of ANS Personnel, the Center fosters a long-term cooperation with other educational institutions on both national and international level. The cooperation taking place at the professional level, by exchanging of knowledge and experience, is directly implemented in the teaching process by engaging lecturers from the Faculty of Transportation. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that similar cooperation is promoted through study visits to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Air Force Academy and the Aviation Academy.
Cooperation with respective training centres throughout Europe is equally important aspect of the Centre’s business operations growth, and is achieved through joint participations in international tenders and training delivery to third parties.
In order to maintain the reputation and high quality of the training delivery, the Center pays special attention to their teaching personnel, and sees their participation in various courses, workshops, forums and conferences related to the training of aviation personnel as an imperative. In this regard, the Center cooperates very closely with the Institute of Air Navigation Services (IANS) in Luxembourg, and actively participates in professional forums of the aviation personnel training centers (ATM TRAINING TEAM).

ANS Personnel Training Centre Students visiting SAA and ANS Personnel Training Centre Students visiting “Airpink” Company

Study visit to SAA and Extra-curricular Activities

SAA visiting ANS Personnel Training Centre and ANS Personnel Training Centre Students visiting SAA